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(aliasItem) { mappedAliases[aliasItem.alias] = aliasItem.bidder; }); adUnits.forEach((adUnit) => { totalAds.push(adUnit.code); adUnit.bids.forEach(function (bid) { if (bid.bidder == "adnuntius" || mappedAliases[bid.bidder] == "adnuntius") { var adnAdunit = { auId: bid.params.auId, targetId: adUnit.code, onNoMatchedAds: function (data) { removefromTotal(data); }, onImpressionResponse: function (data) { matchedAds.push(data.targetId); removefromTotal(data); }, }; if (adUnit.mediaTypes && adUnit.mediaTypes.banner && adUnit.mediaTypes.banner.sizes) adnAdunit.dimensions = adUnit.mediaTypes.banner.sizes; if (bid.params.targeting) { console.log(bid.params.targeting); } adnAdUnitArray.push(adnAdunit); } }); }); return adnAdUnitArray; }; atm.ads.setInterval = function (auId, request) { if (!atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval) { atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval = setInterval(function () { if (atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.count != 0) { adn.calls.push(function () { adn.chbRequest(atm.createPrebidRequest(request), request); }); atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.count--; } else { clearInterval(atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval); } }, atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.delay * 1000); } }; atm.ads.setPrebidRefresh = function (adUnit, request) { var singleAdUnitRequest = Object.assign({}, request); delete singleAdUnitRequest.headerBids; var targetId = (adUnit.targetId) ? ':' + adUnit.targetId : ''; var auId = adUnit.auId + targetId; var refresh = adUnit.refresh; if (refresh.count) refresh.count = refresh.count || 999; else { refresh = { delay: adUnit.refresh, count: 999, }; } var event = refresh.event || 'onViewable'; if (event != 'onViewable' && event != "onVisible") throw new Error('refresh event needs to be "onViewable" or "onVisible"'); delete adUnit.refresh; adUnit.clearTarget = true; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId] = atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId] || {}; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh = refresh; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refreshFunction = function () { singleAdUnitRequest.adUnits = [adUnit]; atm.ads.setInterval(auId, singleAdUnitRequest); }; adUnit[event] = atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refreshFunction; return adUnit; }; "use strict"; atm.addListener = function (name, callback) { if (atm.eventList.indexOf(name) == -1) { atm.eventList.push(name); atm.events[name] = new CustomEvent(name, { bubbles: true }); } document.addEventListener(name, function () { if (callback) callback(atm.transitData); }); }; atm.dispatch = function (name, data) { atm.debug(name, data); atm.transitData = data; document.dispatchEvent(atm.events[name]); }; "use strict"; atm.containerFunctions[CONTAINER_ID].javascriptCustom = function (script) { try { script.script(); } catch (e) { atm.log('error', 'Custom Javascript is malformed ' + e.message, 'Custom JavaScript'); } }; atm.addListener("pageview.oTY8m7ysm", function(eventData){ if( (true) ) atm.utils.runTags('oTY8m7ysm', []) }); atm.utils.addScript("https://cdn.adnuntius.com/adn.js",false,false,{async:true}); if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid){ if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config && atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config.custom){ try { new Function(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config.custom)(); } catch (e) { atm.log('error', 'Custom prebid script malformed: ' + e.message, 'Custom Prebid') } } if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.loadPrebidJs){atm.utils.addScript("https://tags.adnuntius.com/pb/prebid.js")} } "use strict"; (function () { var executeQueue = function () { try { var queItem; while (queItem = atm.queue.shift()) { if (typeof queItem == 'function') queItem(); } } catch (e) { atm.log('error', e, 'queue handler'); } }; win.setTimeout(executeQueue, 25); atm.queue.push = function () { Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments); win.setTimeout(executeQueue, 1); return this.length; }; executeQueue(); })(); window.addEventListener('load', function (event) { if( atm.eventList.indexOf('pageload.' + CONTAINER_ID) != -1){ atm.dispatch('pageload.' + CONTAINER_ID) } }); if (atm.eventList.indexOf('pageview.' + CONTAINER_ID) > -1) atm.dispatch('pageview.' + CONTAINER_ID); })(atm, adn, document, window); } catch (e) { console.log('error', e); }